Nordic Wallpaper
yunger profile picture


Where am I? Who are you? What is this place and why is it so cold in here?

Who are you?

Hello! My name is Luís Galete, a full stack software engineer based in Brazil with x years of experience working in... blah blah blah.

Let's try this again:

Hello! I'm yunger, a self-proclaimed digital craftsman, music enthusiast, anime connoisseur and coffee addict.

Why digital craftsman?

I've adopted the term digital craftsman because I consider it a better fit for me than any of the alternatives. Titles like programmer and software engineer always seem to emphasize the coding aspect, which is not necessarily my focus. The thing that I'm truly passionate about is building cool stuff, and programming is just a tool for bringing my ideas to life.

The term digital craftsman however carries a different meaning, it focuses more on the craft itself, and in the art of polishing something to its limit. When I think of a craftsman, I picture an elderly man working in his workshop, perhaps making traditional Chinese pots, fine-tuning the smallest details that will remain unseen by most.

I don't think this is much different from myself, creating things in my room, spending hours on details, passionate about the art of building and constantly working on improving myself, so that I can produce a better result next time.

Inspired by Calving Coolidge words, I seek this kind of diligence because I strongly believe that, in the long-run, this will allow me to create the most astonishing pieces of work.

That's why I began calling myself a digital craftsman.

What is this place?

I don’t know how you ended up here, but you’ve just arrived at my workshop!

Every craftsman has one, this one is just a little messy that’s all. You can find my tools in one side, projects in another, papers scattered everywhere and unfinished stuff all over the place (it’s still under construction after all).

Here, grab a coffee and make yourself comfortable ☕

Feel free to take a look around, you may discover a new idea or find something valuable to you. I’m going back to work, but let me know if you need anything :)