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Hello World! A new website was born

Test 123. Is this thing working? Let's push this thing to production, shall we?

Sep 16, 2022 2 min read


Hello world! A new website is coming right out of the oven 🔥

I was planning on building a personal website ever since I wrote my first <h1> tag, I had lots of interesting ideas in mind, but felt that my knowledge was insufficient. There was always something I needed to learn before... you know... actually building it.

The truth is that there will always be more things to learn, more room for improvement and more suitable tools for the job. However, this shouldn’t stop anyone from building something right now, no matter how imperfect the end result is.

I’m sure the guy who put a rock on a stick to chop down some trees would agree with me on this.

That’s how I decided to just grab my favorite tools and get to work. Even if it’s a little rough around the edges in the beginning, it will keep getting better and better as I keep on polishing it.

Why did you make this?

There are many reasons why I wanted to build this website.

The first one is that I needed a place to host my projects. I wanted to show them with a nice-looking URL, where everything can be centralized.

Another reason was to create a network with other craftsmen around the world. Persistent people with a passion are the ones who create a better world, and I’d like to be around them.

Lastly, I wanted to share some cool things that I’ve picked up along the way. Most of what I learned was through the abundance of free content on the internet, it’s only fair that I throw some more out there.

What can I find here?

This is my workshop. This means that you can find projects, tools, papers and lots of dumb ideas.

I have a wide range of interests, so it’s hard to say what you can find in this mess. Just take a look around and you’ll see what I mean.

Depending on when you’re reading this it might still be a little empty, but I’ll get there eventually... building steadily like a true digital craftsman.